Category: Islam In-Depth

  • Indulge Your Islam

    يا رسولَ اللهِ ! إني أُكثِرُ الصلاةَ فكم أجعلُ لك من صلاتي؟ قال ما شئتَ قال قلتُ الرُّبعَ؟ قال ما شئتَ وإن زدتَ فهو خيرٌ لك قلتُ النِّصفَ قال ما شئتَ ، وإن زدتَ فهو خيرٌ لك قال قلتُ ثُلُثَين؟ قال ما شئتَ ، وإن زدتَ فهو خيرٌ لك قلت أجعلُ لك صلاتي كلَّها .… Continue reading

  • Islam In – Depth: “The Moral World Of The Qur’an” November 17th 2018

    From our regular Saturday class after Fajr Club, “Islam In-depth“, Imam Marc continues with M. A. Draz’s work, “The Moral World of the Qur’an“. Continue reading

  • The Journey To California – The Adventure Begins

    Someone asked me the other day to expound on my Instagram post as to what I meant by, “This is where it all began in California”. View this post on Instagram It’s took nearly 20 years to get back here. This is where it all began in California: A post shared by Marc Manley (@sonofpierre)… Continue reading