Category: Events

  • Mischief Managed – Secularism and The Managing of Muslim Voices

    In this episode Imam Marc discusses secularism and how it impacts the Muslim community. “The management of race and religion is not administered from some neutral ground. It continues the very specific religious, and racial, heritage of the United States.” – Vincent W. Lloyd, “Managing Race, Managing Religion” from Race and Secularism in America Continue reading

  • Time – Investing In Our Here-After

    Miscalculating Time: Learning To Invest For the Here-After We often miscalculate time like we miscalculate money. Some of us, with no money sense, often spend all of what we have living hand to mouth. If we receive a windfall of money, we splurge. One sign of good money habits is that one’s money makes more… Continue reading

  • The Muslim Community Working With Mental Health – Some Thoughts Pt. 1

    The Conference title is: The Many Faces of Mental Health: “Demons” in Faith Doctrines The panel questions were:   How is Mental Health addressed in the primary holy book for your faith/theology?   This is a difficult question to ask in that the very term, “mental health”, has no singular or apparent authoritative definition.  … Continue reading