Establishing Deep Roots

In a phone conversation today with Dr. Sherman Jackson we exchanged thoughts on Andalus (Muslim Spain) and that despite its architectural beauty, it was unable to firmly establish roots such that, when the tide of adversity came at them, they were washed away. This is in comparison to the Muslims in the former Soviet Republic, who also faced tremendous brutality, but once that tide washed back out, the Muslims came back and their identity was still intact. Reposted here from the article originally entitled, Muslim-Americans and the Need to Establish Deep Roots.

Muslim-Americans and deep roots (part I):

A video posted by Marc Manley (@sonofpierre) on

Muslim-Americans and deep roots (part II): A video posted by Marc Manley (@sonofpierre) on

Muslim-Americans and deep roots (part III):

A video posted by Marc Manley (@sonofpierre) on

Muslim-Americans and deep roots (part IV): A video posted by Marc Manley (@sonofpierre) on

Muslim-Americans and deep roots (part V):

A video posted by Marc Manley (@sonofpierre) on

Muslim-Americans and deep roots (part VI): A video posted by Marc Manley (@sonofpierre) on

Muslim-Americans and deep roots (part VII):

A video posted by Marc Manley (@sonofpierre) on

Food for thought.


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