Indulge Your Islam

يا رسولَ اللهِ ! إني أُكثِرُ الصلاةَ فكم أجعلُ لك من صلاتي؟ قال ما شئتَ قال قلتُ الرُّبعَ؟ قال ما شئتَ وإن زدتَ فهو خيرٌ لك قلتُ النِّصفَ قال ما شئتَ ، وإن زدتَ فهو خيرٌ لك قال قلتُ ثُلُثَين؟ قال ما شئتَ ، وإن زدتَ فهو خيرٌ لك قلت أجعلُ لك صلاتي كلَّها . قال إذًا تُكفَى همَّك ويُغفَرُ لك ذنبُك

“Ubayy ibn Kab says, ‘I asked, ‘O Messenger of Allāh, I wish to confer blessings upon you in abundance. How much of my time set aside for supplication should I devote to this purpose?’ The Noble Prophet replied, ‘As much as you wish.’ I asked, ‘A fourth?’ The Noble Prophet replied, ‘As much as you wish, and if you make an increase therein it shall be better for you.’ I further enquired, ‘A half?’ The Noble Prophet again said, ‘As much as you wish, and if you make an increase therein it shall be better for you.’ I asked, ‘Two thirds?’ The Noble Prophet replied, ‘As much as you wish, and if you make an increase therein it shall be better for you.’ I said, ‘I shall devote all my time to conferring blessings upon you.’ The Noble Prophet said, ‘In that case, all your worries will be removed and your sins will be forgiven’.”


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