Intro to Maliki Fiqh – Session 20: Zakāh Pt. 3

Fiqh of Zakāh Pt. 3

Session Twenty from Middle Ground’s new class, Fiqh Made Easy: Intro to Mālikī Fiqh, taught by Imam Marc Manley. We are reading from the text, al-Muhadhdhab (المُهَذَّب) by Shaykh al-Majjājī. The class is taught live on Saturdays.

In this session, we continue with Part Three on Zakāh, The Book of Zakāh, specifically
On the Zakāh of Gold & Silver and What is Equivalent to Them (في زكاة الذهب والفضة وما جرى مَجراهُما). You can review the PDF/slides here.

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