The Rules of Qālūn – Question & Answer: Part 3

الحمد لله المفيض الخيرات والوهاب البركات وصلى وسلم وبارك على سيد المرسلين وعلى آله وصحبه وبعد

We continue with my translation of Dr. Aḥmad Muḥammad Jād Allāh’s (د. أحمد محمد جاد الله), The Fundamentals of Qālūn from the Shāṭibiyyah Method – Question and Answer (أُصُولُ رِوَايَةِ قَالُونْ مِن طَرِيقِ الشَّاطِبِيَّة – سُؤَالٌ وَجَوَابٌ), may Allāh preserve him.

The Rules of Qālūn – Question & Answer

Question Number Three: What is the ruling on reciting the Basmalah (saying bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Rahīm/بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم) at the beginning of a Sūrah and in the middle of it, and what are the different aspects of the Basmalah between the two Sūrahs?

Answer: The scholars of Qur’ānic recitation have agreed on the obligation of reciting the Basmalah at the beginning of the Sūrahs except for Sūrah al-Tawbah. As for starting in the middle of the Sūrahs, it is permissible to recite the Basmalah or to omit it, with no difference between Sūrah al-Tawbah and others in this regard. What is meant by the middle of the Sūrah is anything after the beginning, even if it is by a verse or a word. They have differed regarding the ruling on what comes between two Sūrahs; Qālūn held the view of separating them with the Basmalah.

The aspects of the Basmalah between two Sūrahs:

There are four academic approaches for the Basmalah between two Sūrahs, three of which are permissible and one is prohibited. The permissible ones are:

  • Example One: complete separation, i.e., separating the end of the finished Sūrah from the Basmalah, and the Basmalah from the beginning of the next Sūrah.
  • Example Two: separating the first Sūrah and connecting the Basmalah with the next Sūrah.
  • Example Three: connecting all three without a break.

Here’s some audio examples using the ending of Sūrah al-Tīn (#95) and the beginning of Sūrah al-ʿAlaq (#96):

Example One

Example Two

Example Three

The fourth option, the prohibited option, would be to recite the ending of the Sūrah, connect it to the Basmalah, pause, then start the next Sūrah.

If you missed it, you can review Question Two. We’ll be posting Question Number Four shortly, in shā’ Allāh.


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